

Lecture 6: Social Network Analysis

Social network analysis views social relationships in terms of network theory consisting of nodes and ties (also called edgeslinks, or connections).For example, this figure shows a social network based on friendship ties based on Facebook data:

Several concepts about social network analysis was introduced in the lecture:Degree, density, Geodesic Distances,Closeness,Betweenness etc. These concepts are used to describe relationships between actors. For example, Betweenness Centrality , calculated by the number of times a node connects pairs of other nodes, who otherwise would not be able to reach one another.It is a measure of the potential for control as an actor who is high in betweenness is able to act as a gatekeeper controlling the flow of resources (information, money, power, e.g.) between the alters that he or she connects.And this figure is an example of a social network diagram. The node with the highest Betweenness Centrality is marked in yellow.


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